Friday, March 28, 2014

region choir continued

Kady tried her best. Samantha made soprano 1 section!

Upcoming Concerts

APRIL 7th, MONDAY  6th Grade Festival at Ellison HS - 6:00 PM

Please wear your choir t-shirt and jeans and be in your seat by 5:45 pm.  We will be performing first!  This is a short and sweet concert, but one that will help the kids get ready for UIL competition next year.  We will be doing some very nice foreign language songs.  Patterson MS and Manor MS will also perform.

APRIL 8th, TUESDAY 7th/8th Grade Pre-UIL Concert - Ellison High School - 6:15 PM

Please wear your black formal clothing for this event.  Boys-tux shirt/cumerbund/tie/black shoes/socks/belt and GIrls-Black dress and flat black shoes.  Please be in your seat by 6:15PM.

This concert will help us in our preparation for our UIL Competition for Region 8 and give parents opportunity to see what we will be performing on April 29th at Shoemaker during the day.  We hope to have our songs learned and mostly polished.  Each choir is required to memorize and perform perfectly three songs.  As you are imagining we will be working very hard to accomplish our goal of getting a SUPERIOR rating (I) from the three judges.

APRIL 12th, SATURDAY, 11-3 PM - First Annual Choir UIL Clinic & Pizza Lunch  - Liberty Hill MS

We are delighted to have Professor Shelley Dennis from Temple College and Dr. Jennifer Tucker as clinicians for our 7th/8th grade choirs.  Ms. Vicky Morris will be accompanying the clinicians. The students will put the final polish on the musical selections and get some great FREE vocal lessons from two incredible singers.  Lunch will be served after the event in the cafeteria.  

PLEASE call me or email if you would like to help us set up lunch or to generally help with the chaperoning of the children that morning.

APRIL 29th, TUESDAY, UIL Competition - Shoemaker HS - during the school day

The students will bring their formal clothes to school and we will take all three choirs over to Shoemaker via school bus.  More information to come on our order and meals.

Hey Varsity Girls and Boys!

Don't forget our MANDATORY sectionals start on Monday!
7:30-7:50 once a week until UIL
Monday - Sop I
Tuesday - Sop II
Wed - Bass
Thursday - Alto
Friday - Tenor

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


THURSDAY – FEB 20:  7/8 girls and boys – 3:35-4:00 pm joint rehearsal in the choir room

THURSDAY – FEB 20: 6th grade girls and boys – 4:00-5:00 pm joint rehearsal in the Gymnasium

MONDAY – FEB 24: All Choir – Pops Concert, Ellison HS,
Report Time: 7 pm
Concert Start Time: 7:30 pm

Patterson MS will be performing before us at 6pm. This is a graded concert and mandatory as explained in the contract you and your child signed at the beginning of the school year.  It counts for 3 summative grades.

WHAT TO WEAR????????
6th Grade please wear your 2013-14 Liberty Hill Choir T-Shirt and jeans.  If you did not purchase one or have lost yours please bring in $12.00 and we will give you a new one. If you have financial need let us know.

Boys 7/8: We have decided to wear any combo of black/grey/white If your child wants to wear a hoodie or shorts it is ok. No t-shirts with inappropriate words. Stay within dress code.

Girls 7/8 Varsity:  Please ask your student what their assigned color is.  IF they can’t remember just wear black/red/purple/white/ or Royal Blue.  Stay within dress code.

Girls 7/8 Non-Varsity: The kids have decided to dress “ratchet”.  This does not mean inappropriate.  IT means they can wear mismatched clothes or clothes of their choice. It just has to be in dress code.  We are trying to send the message that clothes don’t determine your worth.

If your kid is picked to usher please show up by 7:00pm. Thanks!

This concert will be short and sweet this year.  We will be singing 7 songs total.  So your kid should be done by 8:15 at latest.

Dr. Tucker and I appreciate your support!  Please email or call with any questions.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Kady tried her best and Samatha made the soprano 1 section
Chris had a bad slip on ice and still did a great job!

liberty hill completes region choir audition!

started at 6:30 return at 4:00pm. everyone survived the fierce competition.

Isaiah and Jayton made the tenor sections for region choir!